Followers, Family, Friends & Supporters... The L.@.Me's

Pardon the delay! "Late P.M.U."

Ya know, I've been so caught up in trying to follow the downloads of "The L.@.Me Mixtape", I haven't even been catering to the folks that have been here wanting to get the daily posts!! I'm back!  I'm more than happy about what's been going on with the downloads, so I will pass on the smiles... it's not Wednesday, but "PICK ME UP WEDNESDAYS"... smile HOE!

What you WON'T get from "The L.@.Me Mixtape!"

Give 'em the STATS... smh

Couldn't even watch the whole thing

Shouts out to everyone on Twitter, I got this fro Amanda Diva... Hilarious!

Just a lil' extra... only in America.

And if you don't have ONE of the BEST mixtapes out right now... GET IT!!!  About 700 downloads in less than a week and still counting!!! Whew.

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