Followers, Family, Friends & Supporters... The L.@.Me's

Pick Me Up Wednesdays...

Week getting you down?
Need a Pick Me Up?
Then sit back, enjoy a laugh or two, and get your silly ass over the hump!!  

I'm having a ROUGH week, so without further ad0... 

Let's start this off right.  EVERYONE knows someone like this... 

Is Hip-Hop Dead?  CLEARLY NOT! 
(If you haven't noticed, I'm a big Will Ferrell fan)

Things that make you go, "Hmmm...."
Shouts out to Tee

Ok... just because your week might suck like mine... BONUS!!!

(Disclaimer for the Internet Thugs: Seeing as though this is MY blog, I can do what I want, and therefore I post what I want.  If you have any issues with what I post... well... not really much you can do, but please refrain from playing the now homo "No Homo" game if you see anything similar to the video posted above and would like to oppose my preference in comedy)

Sorry folks, just thought I'd cover all bases and detract all Internet weirdos. Anyways, stay tuned and I hope that your week is a bit more bearable now.  Mine is. 

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