Followers, Family, Friends & Supporters... The L.@.Me's

This WAS me...

Meant to post this yesterday morning.  My Apologies... 

I was blessed enough to be a part of Howard University's 2008 Election Watch.  It was truly a moving experience.  I will put the footage up as soon as I can, for SOME reason we have school today, lol.  Radio Practicum calls, stay tuned.  But for now, I leave you with a song that has en ENTIRELY different meaning from when I first heard it.  I had to have heard this song like 50 times up and down Georgia Avenue, in the McDonald's parking lot, in my friend's cars, rooms, and being chanted across campus....

Shouts out to my family, my ancestors, my friends, and the UNITED States of America!  We have a long way to go... 

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