Followers, Family, Friends & Supporters... The L.@.Me's

Back to Business!

Ok, Howard University Homecoming 2008 is over, and it's time to get back to the focus.... ME! 
In an effort to help you build your "Ice the Villain" catalog, I'll be giving you consistent material to illustrate my growth from everything from flow, swagg, delivery, wordplay, etc., TRUST ME, You should be able to hear it.  Most of these tracks were done for the hell of it and will never see the light of day (in the mainstream at least), so in a few years when the album drops you can say you BEEN had the crack from Ice the Villain...  I think we'll call this "Time Machine Monday".  I'll keep dropping "New-Old Joints" every Monday and we'll take it from there.  Keep spreading the word about the blog and encourage the folks to become a part of the "L.@.Me's".  I'll keep 'em posted and we can track the journey together...  Feel free to comment on them and tell me what you think.  
(Note: Each song was done around the time of the song of the instrumental, though I won't necessarily be dropping them in chronological order, so use your mental time-machine to understand where things were in the game at that time.  These AREN'T new, so yes, I was THAT NICE then, lol.  Enjoy)

This trip down memory lane feels pretty healthy to me.  I think I'm looking forward to the weekly "Time Machine Monday" jumpoffs.... Stay Tuned.

Shouts out to LCD, B. Lee, Chainz, RP, T-Byrd, and everyone else that assisted in the progression of Ice the Villain.  I wouldn't be here without them. 

Shouts out to all the rap acts that hit Georgia Avenue this past weekend doing their thing.  Here's some of my personal favorites that I checked out.  You should do the same!
(Note:  Each of these artists have OFFICIALLY received the "L.@.Me Stamp". It's pretty much a Co-Sign, but MUCH cooler!) 

That's it for now.  Until later.... L.@.Me!

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